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WPPA34 |
Extended Application Fields for the Renovated GSI Control System
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- L. Hechler, K. Herlo, P. Kainberger, U. Krause, S. Matthies, K. Höppner
GSI, Darmstadt
The current GSI control system uses a very monolithic approach that made it difficult to extend the system to other than the original platforms (VME front ends and OpenVMS on the application level). For the present renovation project of the communication layers, flexibility was a major design criterion. Front-end and application levels are connected via CORBA middleware, giving free choice for using various system architectures and programming languages on both levels. While most of the current front-end software will be ported to the existing VME front-end environment, now running Linux, the new system can integrate devices running on various architectures and operating systems into the new GSI control system. To model equipment functionality as independently as possible, generating adapter code from a well-defined XML description of device models is now under development. This will make the task of porting the existing 65 device models (including around 3000 properties) to the new modular approach easier. We will present the current state of this project and future plans.