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TPPB05 |
The Cryogenic Control System of BEPCII
169 |
- M. H. Dai, Y. L. Huang, B. Jiang, K. X. Wang, K. J. Yue, J. Zhao, G. Li
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
A cryogenic system for the superconducting RF cavity (SRFC), superconducting solenoid magnet (SSM), and superconducting quadrupole magnet (SCQ) has been designed and installed in the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPCII). The cryogenic control system is a fully automatic system using PLCs and EPICS IOCs and consists of three components. One is the Siemens PLC system for compressor control, another is the AB-PLC system for cryogenic equipment control, and they are integrated into the high-level EPICS system. The functions of cryogenic control include process control, PID control loops, real-time data access and data restore, alarm handler, and humanmachine interface. The control system can also be automatically recovered from emergency. This paper will describe the BEPCII cryogenic control system, data communication between S7-PLC and EPICS IOCs, and how to integrate the flow control and the low-level interlock with the AB-PLC system and EPICS.
TPPB15 |
The CSNS Controls Plan
196 |
- X. C. Kong, Q. Le, G. Lei, G. Li, J. Liu, J. C. Wang, X. L. Wang, G. X. Xu, Z. Zhao, C. H. Wang
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is an accelerator-based high-power project currently under planning in China. For the similarities between the CSNS and the U. S. Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the SNS control framework will be used as a model for the machine controls. And the software framework used at SNS, XAL, is a natural choice for the CSNS. This paper provides a controls overview and progress. Also, the technical plan, schedule, and personnel plan are discussed.