Paper | Title | Page |
WPPA16 | Upgrade of BPM Data Acquisition System Using Reflective Memory at PLS | 348 |
We upgraded the BPM data acquisition system of the PLS 2.5-Gev storage ring with the use of RFM (Reflective Memory). Our present BPM data acquisition system is based on EPICS VME IOC. It uses an analog-to-digital converter with 16-bit resolution and a 100-KHz conversion rate to digitize BPM raw electric signals. To get better position data from the digitized raw BPM data, we developed BPM data-averaging software utilizing RFM. With this averaging software, we could average 4000 samples of raw BPM data with the refresh rate of 2 seconds and get much better position data compared with the previous one. We installed data-averaging software and reflective memory modules into 12 local BPM IOCs for the routine operation. We are also planning to develop a fast global feedback system using RFM to improve beam quality in the near future. |