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TPPB42 |
The Selection, Development and Application of PLC Solutions for the Diamond Light Source
256 |
- P. H. Amos, P. Hamadyk, M. T. Heron, H. S. Shiers, S. C. Lay
Diamond, Oxfordshire
Diamond Light Source set out to address a wide range of control system requirements, from process control to interlocking with a minimum number of PLC types. This resulted in standardization of PLCs from just two manufacturers. Siemens was chosen for high-end process control and Omron for a variety of other applications, including interlocking and protection. These were then applied to a large number of applications, which have been addressed wherever possible using standard solutions. The details of this approach, and solutions managed through it, including procurement of turnkey systems by industry, and how future obsolescence is being addressed are all described.
TOAA05 |
Implementation, Commissioning and Current Status of the Diamond Light Source Control System
56 |
- M. G. Abbott, K. A.R. Baker, T. M. Cobb, P. N. Denison, P. Gibbons, I. J. Gillingham, A. Gonias, P. Hamadyk, S. C. Lay, P. J. Leicester, M. R. Pearson, U. K. Pederson, N. P. Rees, A. J. Rose, J. Rowland, E. L. Shepherd, S. J. Singleton, I. Uzun, M. T. Heron
Diamond, Oxfordshire
- A. J. Foster
OSL, Cambridge
- S. Hunt
AHB, Meisterschwanden
- P. H. Owens
STFC/DL, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire
Starting with the Linac in 2005, the commissioning of the Diamond Light Source accelerators and photon beamlines, together with their related control systems, progressed to an aggressive program such that as of early in 2007, the facility was available for first users with a suite of beamlines and experiment stations. The implementation and commissioning of the control system to meet the overall project objectives are presented. The current status of the control system, including ongoing developments for electron-beam orbit stability and future photon beamline requirements, are also described.
WPPB23 |
Metrological Testing of DLS Timing System
445 |
- A. Gonias, M. T. Heron, Y. S. Chernousko
Diamond, Oxfordshire
- E. Pietarinen, J. Pietarinen
MRF, Helsinki
The Diamond timing system is the latest-generation development of the design, principles, and technologies currently implemented in the Advanced Photon Source and Swiss Light Source timing systems. It provides the ability to generate reference events, distribute them over a fiber-optic network, and decode and process them at the equipment to be controlled. The Diamond timing system has now been operational for over a year. The systematic characterization of the installed system, to understand the performance, and the results of these measurements are presented.
RPPA10 |
Status of the Diamond Fast Orbit Feedback System
535 |
- M. G. Abbott, J. A. Dobbing, M. T. Heron, I. P.S. Martin, G. Rehm, I. Uzun, J. Rowland
Diamond, Oxfordshire
- S. Duncan
University of Oxford, Oxford
We present the development of transverse orbit stability control at Diamond. We discuss the low latency feedback loop required to effectively suppress high-frequency noise, which informs the choice of network topology and processing units. We explore the use of the field-programmable gate array in the Libera beam position monitor as a communication controller and the vector unit of the PowerPC G4 in the compensator. System models and results from preliminary tests on the machine are shown.