Author: Tsuchiya, K.
Paper Title Page
THP1WB02 Impedance Evaluation of PF In-Vacuum Undulator (IVU) with Theories and Simulations and Experimental Confirmation of them by the Tune Measurement 160
  • O. Tanaka, N. Nakamura, T. Obina, K. Tsuchiya
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  Four In-Vacuum Undulators (IVU) were recently installed to Photon Factory (PF) at KEK. The estimate of their impedance and kick factors is a very important issue, because they could considerably increase the total impedance of PF. Moreover, the coupling impedance of the IVUs could lead to the beam energy loss, changes in the bunch shape, betatron tune shifts and, finally, to the various beam instabilities. Using the simulation tool (CST Particle Studio), longitudinal and transverse impedances of the IVUs were evaluated and compared to analytical formulas and measurement results. The study provides guidelines for mitigation of unwanted impedance, for an accurate estimate of its effects on the beam quality and beam instabilities and for the impedance budget of a newly designed next-generation machine which has many IVUs and small-aperture beam pipes.  
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