Paper | Title | Page |
THA2WC02 |
Generation of a Wakefield Undulator in Plasma With Transverse Density Gradient | |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contracts No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. We show that a short relativistic electron beam propagating in a plasma with a density gradient perpendicular to the direction of motion generates a wakefield in which a witness bunch experiences a transverse force. A density gradient oscillating along the beam path would create a periodically varying force'an undulator, with an estimated strength of the equivalent magnetic field more than ten Tesla. This opens an avenue for creation of a high-strength, short-period undulators, which eventually may lead to all-plasma, free electron lasers where a plasma wakefield acceleration is naturally combined with a plasma undulator in a unifying, compact setup. |
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Slides THA2WC02 [4.470 MB] | |
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