Paper | Title | Page |
MOP2WB03 |
Baseline Lattice for the Upgrade of SOLEIL | |
Previous MBA studies converged to a lattice composed of 7BA-6BA with a natural emittance value of 200-250 pm·rad range. Due to the difficulties of non-linear optimization in targeting lower emittance values, a decision was made to symmetrize totally the ring with 20 identical cells having long free straight sections longer than 4 m. A 7BA solution elaborated by adopting the sextupole paring scheme with dispersion bumps originally developed at the ESRF-EBS, including reverse-bends, enabling an emittance of 72 pm·rad has been defined as the baseline lattice. The sufficient on-momentum dynamic aperture obtained allows to consider off-axis injection. The linear and nonlinear dynamic properties of the lattice along with the expected performance in terms of brilliance and transverse coherence are presented. In particular, the beta functions tuned down to 1 m in both transverse planes at the center of straight sections allow matching diffraction limited photons up to 3 keV. In addition, a 9BA solution reaching 32 pm·rad and a novel longitudinal on-axis injection scheme involving rapidly decaying RF kicks developed at SOLEIL shall also be presented. | ||
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THP2WD01 | Construction and Optimization of Cryogenic Undulators at SOLEIL | 193 |
Funding: Synchrotron SOLEIL, L'Orme des Merisiers, 91 192 BP 34 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, With permanent magnets undulator operation at cryogenic temperature, the magnetic field and the coercivity can be enhanced, enabling shorter periods with high magnetic fields. The first full scale (2 m long, 18 mm period) hybrid cryogenic undulator [1] using PrFeB [2] magnets operating at 77 K was installed at SOLEIL in 2011. Photon spectra measurements, in good agreement with the ex-pectations from magnetic measurements, were used for precise alignment and taper optimization. The second and third 18 mm PrFeB cryogenic undulators, modified to a half-pole/magnet/half-pole structure, were optimized without any magnet or pole shimming after assembly but mechanical sortings and some geometrical corrections had been done before assembly. A systematic error on individual magnets on the third U18 was also compensated. In-situ measurement benches, including a Hall probe and a stretched wire to optimize the undulator field at room and cryogenic temperature are presented. An upgrade of these in-situ benches will be detailed with the fabrication of a 15 mm 3 m long PrFeB cryogenic undulator at SOLEIL. [1] C. Benabderrahmane, M. Valléau, M. E. Couprie, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 033201(2017) [2] C. Benabderrahmane, M. Valléau, M. E. Couprie, NIMA 669, 1-6, (2012) |
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