Author: Li, Y.
Paper Title Page
WEP2PT003 Undulator Phase Matching for the the European XFEL 103
  • Y. Li, J. Pflüger
    XFEL. EU, Schenefeld, Germany
  The undulator system in the European XFEL is mainly comprised 5-m long undulator segments and 1.1 m long intersections in between. In intersections the electron velocity is faster than it inside an undulator and the optical phase is detuned. The detune effect is also from the undulator fringe field where electron longitudinal speed also deviates from the oscillation condition. The total detune effect is compensated by a magnetic device called phase shifter, which is correspondingly set for a specific undulator gap. In this paper we introduce the method to set the phase shifter gap for each K parameter according to the measured magnetic field.  
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