Author: Deng, H.X.
Paper Title Page
A 1d Time-Dependent Theoretical Model of X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator  
  • K. Li, H.X. Deng
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  FEL is a cutting-edge tool for generating high brilliant, wavelength adjustable radiation. FEL oscillators (FELO) is one of FEL's operation mode. A novel simplified theoretical model for fast simulation and optimization of FELO is proposed. Instead of utilizing conventional macro particles tracking, i.e., GENESIS and OPC codes, the theoretical model takes advantage of low-gain theory to calculate single-pass gain analytically and it is able to considerably reduce calculation time, i.e., from several days to a few minutes. In addition, it is useful for simulating new FELO scheme such as gain cascading.  
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