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Kim, C.

Paper Title Page
WG402 High-Brightness Source R&Ds for a XFEL Development in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL)  
  • S. J. Park, J. Y. Huang, C. Kim, I. S. Ko, T.-Y. Lee
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk
  Funding: Work supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Korea.

We have constructed a photo-injector test facility for developing a high-brightness electron source for use in the PAL XFEL - a SASE XFEL machine to be built in the Pohang Accelerator. The facility consists of a 1.6-cell photocathode RF gun, a Ti:Sa laser, and special beam-diagnostic devices. Follwed by the first-beam achievements in November last year, much efforts have been made for improving laser-beam qulaities including timing & pointing stabilities, transverse uniformity, and remote control capabilities. In this article, we report on these activities and the beam-diagnostic results of basic gun performances. We also address our research efforts on the generation and diagnostic of high-brightness beams.

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WG403 Laser System of Photocathode RF Gun in Pohang Accelerator Laboratory 42
  • C. Kim, J. Choi, J. Y. Huang, I. S. Ko, Y. W. Parc, J. H. Park, S. J. Park
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk
  Funding: Work supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Korea.

A photocathode RF gun have been installed in a photo-injector test facility for the PAL XFEL in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. The photocathode RF gun will provide electron bunches which have high charge (1 nC), short bunch length (10 ps). For this purpose, a new laser system was installed and it can provide laser pulses of 2 mJ energy, 110 fs pulse width at 800 nm wavelength. A triple harmonic generator and Ultraviolet (UV) stretcher system were added to generate UV laser pulses with controllable pulse widths which can be increased up to 10 ps. In this article, we introduce our laser system and report recent progress of electron beam generations under the various laser conditions.

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