- J. Choi, Y. G. Jung, C. Kim, H.-G. Kim, S.-C. Kim, I. S. Ko, W. W. Lee, B. R. Park, H. S. Suh, I. H. Yu, H.-S. Kang
PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk
A 60-MeV electron linac for intense femto-second THz radiation is under construction at PAL, which is the beamline construction project to be completed by 2008. To get intense femto-second THz radiation up to 100 cm-1, the electron beam should be compressed down to below 100 fs. The linac will use an S-band photocathode RF-gun as an electron beam source, two S-band accelerating structures to accelerate the beam to 60 MeV, a chicane-type bunch compressor to get femto-second electron bunch, and an optical transition radiation (OTR) target as a radiator. The PARMELA code simulation result shows that the 0.2 nC beam can be compressed down to a few tens of femto-seconds, and even the higher charge of 0.5nC to about one hundred femto-seconds. Also, the linac will be able to provide a femto-second electron beam for electron pulse radiolysis and compton-scattering experiment for fs X-ray.