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First Lasing in Seeding Configuration at 160 nm Using High order Harmonic Generated in gas on the FEL of the SCSS Prototype Accelerator
- B. Carré, D. Garzella, O. B. Gobert, M. Labat, H. Merdji, P. Salieres, G. Lambert
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
- O. V. Chubar, M.-E. Couprie
SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
- T. Hara, H. Kitamura, T. Shintake, K. Tahara, Y. T. Tanaka
RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
- S. Inoue
JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
- T. Tanikawa
University of Hyogo, Hyogo
Coherent radiation has been observed at 160 nm, 54 nm and 32 nm (respectively fundamental, 3rd and 5th non linear harmonics) by seeding the 5th harmonic of a Ti: Sa laser (800 nm, 50 mJ, 10 Hz, 100 fs) generated in a Xe gas cell inside the FEL of the SCSS (SPring-8 Compact Sase Source, Japan) Prototype Accelerator. In this configuration, the external source is focalized at the beginning of the first in-vacuum undulator section (300 periods, 15 mm of period) in order to interact properly with the electron beam (150 MeV, 0.3 nC, 10 Hz, 1 ps). The details of the experimental set-up will be given. With one undulator section, high amplification levels and shortening of the spectral width compared to the spontaneous emission have been measured. When adding the second undulator section, saturated signal is apparently observed. The measurements are then compared with time dependant simulations using PERSEO and GENESIS included in SRW. Finally, perspectives offered by seeding an FEL with High order Harmonics Generated in gas, following this first experimental demonstration, will be derived for 4th generation light sources in the soft X-ray range.
Status of SCSS & X-ray FEL Project in Japan
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- T. Shintake
RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
Staus of SCSS project after the first lasing last year will be reported. The X-ray FEL, which uses 8 GeV C-band, is under construction, whose status will be reported.
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Wide Band Seeding and Wavelength Compression
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- T. Shintake
RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
Seeding with optical laser and compressing wavelength in chicane bunch compressor has been studied theoretically. Overlapping laser beam with in comming electron beam in free space, with oblique crossing, we may apply energy modulation on relativisitic electron beam. When we use forth harmonic YAG-laser, 255 nm, and compressing 20 times, we have 13 nm density modulation period. Passing in undulator, which resonates to the compressed wavelength, the super-radiation mode beam will be generated. In contrast with SASE-FEL, this type of radiation source does not require high quality beam, ease to operate and coherent.