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WEPPH028 |
Development of a Compact Cherenkov Free-Electron Laser Operating Terahertz Wave Range
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- M. R. Asakawa, N. M. Miyabe
Kansai University, Osaka
- A. Ikeda, M. Kusaba, Y. Tsunawaki
OSU, Daito, Osaka
We designed a compact Cherenkov Free-Electron Laser(CFEL) device capable of delivering mW-level output power at frequencies of up to THz from 10GHz to 1 THz. CFEL has the advantage of generating higher frequencies at lower electron beam energy. Due to lower electron beam CFEL device is compact. Our CFEL device consists of a waveguide partially filled with two lined parallel dielectric slabs through which a relativistic electron beam propagates. We call this structure "double-slab". In our device, the electron beam is generated using the Spindt cathode. We used a super conducting magnet to compress and guide the electron beam along the dielectric slabs. Assuming a dielectric slab thickness of 0.65mm,length of 11cm and electron beam energy 50keV ,the output power generated by the device was numerically calculated to be mW-level at 46GHz. Currently , we are conducting the POP experiment at millimeter wave range.