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Voykov, G. K. V.

Paper Title Page
MOPP056 Phase Shifters for the SPARC Undulator System 187
  • G. Parisi, F. Ciocci, G. Dattoli, L. Giannessi, G. K. V. Voykov
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)

In the framework of the SPARC FEL experiment, a 14-m long undulator divided into six sections is presently under construction (by ACCEL Instruments GmbH). In order to correct the phase difference between the electron beam and the radiation, a tunable device will be inserted at the end of each of the six sections of the undulator. In this paper a preliminary design of this device, performed with RADIA code, is proposed,. The phase shifter consists of two groups of a few permanent magnets, arranged as in the main undulator in a variable gap magnet assembly. Adjusting the gap allows to correct the electron-radiation phase difference. Results from beam dynamics simulation, performed with GENESIS code, show the impact of the phase shifter on the characteristics of the output laser field.