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Miginsky, S.V.

Paper Title Page
THPP020 Compton X-Ray Generation at the KAERI SC RF LINAC 495
  • S.-H. Park, Y. Cha, Y.U. Jeong, B.C. Lee, K. Lee
    KAERI, Daejon
  • S.V. Miginsky
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk

The KAERI SC RF linac with one 352 MHz cryomodule is routinely operating at 10 MeV. The maximum accelerating gradient achieved so far is about 7.7 MV/m and is expected to increase up to 9 MV/m, if thermal loss and/or vibration instability is sufficiently suppressed. As a next step, we plan to generate Compton X-rays using external lasers at the straight section, just after the SC linac. This beamline will be relocated to downstream next to undulator beamline for a FEL, when the recirculating beamline is built. In this presentation, we estimate the parameters of Compton X-rays at a given system and suggest the new scheme to increase the flux, or to generate fs X-ray pulses using electron beams with a few tens ps pulse duration, using an intense ultra-short laser. We discussed a coherent condition for Relativistic Nonlinear Thomson Scattered (RNTS) radiation (or Nonlinear Compton Scattered radiation).