Feldhaus, J.
Paper | Title | Page |
MOPP055 | The Infrared Undulator Project at the VUV-FEL | 183 |
Funding: University of Hamburg A special electromagnetic wiggler generating infrared radiation in the range 1-200 microns is planned to be installed at the DESY VUV-FEL in Hamburg by autumn 2006. The device is located after the FEL undulators, using the spent electron beam. The purpose is two-fold: first, it will serve longitudinal electron beam diagnostics, similar to other methods currently investigated using the coherent emission of radiation at wavelengths similar to the bunch length, and second it will be used as a powerful (100 MW peak) source for short (few ps) infrared radiation pulses. The natural, perfect synchronization with the VUV pulses will allow for pump-probe experiments with high timing precision. This paper will give an overview of the project, including the infrared beam transport line. |
FROA005 | Optical Laser Synchronized to the DESY VUV-FEL for Two-Color Pump-Probe Experiments | 690 |
Funding: This work was funded by the European Commission under Contract no. HPRI-CT-1999-50009 The VUV-FEL at DESY provides ultra-short pulses with pulse durations below 50 fs. To explore a wider field of time resolved experiments a complex laser system has been installed delivering 150 fs pulses at a wavelength of 800 nm with 50 μJ pulse energy at 1MHz repetition rate during the FEL burst (of 800 μs). In order to perform two color pump-probe experiments the laser has to be synchronized to the FEL. To ensure precise and reliable synchronized operation of the laser, various diagnostic experiments have been developed. Concepts as well as first results of the synchronization will be shown. |