Paper | Title | Page |
MOPO-19 | Optimization of Gasdynamic ECR Ion Sources | 114 |
Funding: The work was done under financial support of the ISTC, grant # 2753, the Program PICS CNRS-RFBR, grants # 06-02-22002, and the RFBR, grant #08-02-00531.
The current work is a continuation of the study of gasdynamic ECR ion sources (ReGIS). The main difference of these sources from classical Geller ECR ion sources is the use of the quasi-gasdynamic regime of plasma confinement in magnetic traps. A possibility of ion beam formation in REGIS with total current of 100 mA and higher was demonstrated in *. Such currents are attained due to small longitudinal lifetime in the quasi-gasdynamic regime of confinement. A drawback of ReGIS is low average ion charge. In the current work possible ways of increasing ion charge are demonstrated. Based on the model described in ** a magnetic trap is optimized and microwave radiation power required for producing a preset average charge is analyzed. The computations are compared with data of experiments. A variant of a magnetic trap and microwave pump designed to obtain pulsed beams of Ar+5 and Xe +15 ions with currents of tens of MA was proposed.
* A. Sidorov, M. Dorf, V. Zorin, P. Spadtke, et al. Rev. of Sci. Instrum. 79, 02A317 (2008) |
TUCO-A02 | Gasdynamic ECR Sources of Multicharged Ions | 128 |
А new type of pulsed sources of multicharged ions(MCI), namely, a gasdynamic ECR source is proposed. Its main difference from the classical ECR ion sources is a different, quasi-gasdynamic regime of plasma confinement in a magnetic trap. Plasma was produced and heated by radiation of a pulsed gyrotrons with the frequencies of 37.5 and 75 GHz in magnetic traps of various configurations. Plasma confinement in quasi-gasdynamic regime under such conditions was studied. It was demonstrated that with such a confinement regime it is possible to generate multicharged ions and create intense(more than 1 А/cm2) ion fluxes through the trap plugs. Creation of intense plasma fluxes allows one to extract high-current MCI beams of high brightness. Transverse homogeneity of a plasma flux makes it possible to use a multi-aperture extraction system for the formation of broad intense MCI beams. MCI beams with current up to 150mA and normalized emittance lower than 1 π·mm·mrad were produced. Comparison of results of calculations and data of experiments shows that they are in a good agreement, which allows us to predict creation of a new type of ECR source. | ||
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TUCO-B02 | Microwave Sources for 3rd and 4th Generation of ECRIS | 136 |
Recent results in the development of ECRIS have proven the potential of an increase in the operating frequency for the production of high intensity multicharge ion beams. The next ambitious steps are discussed today which involve a further increase in frequency up to 60 GHz and the use of broadband microwave sources. Microwave sources capable of meeting the needs of the next generation of ECRIS are considered here, basing on the many years experience of the IAP in design and fabrication of a customer produced high power millimeter-wave equipment. Different types of vacuum electron tubes such as gyro-backward wave oscillators, gyro-traveling wave tubes and gyro-klystrons operating in the frequency range of 30-60 GHz are discussed and compared in terms of a power, gain, frequency band and the rate of frequency sweeping. The results obtained to this date demonstrate that microwave power of 10-15 kW CW in this frequency range and the frequency band up to 10% can be achieved in these sources. The design of mode filters and DC breakers which are the most crucial components of the microwave power transmission line is considered. | ||
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