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Kahnt, M.

Paper Title Page
MOCO-B02 Continuous and Pulsed Operation of a Highly Efficient 18 GHz Plateau-ECRIS 13
  • J. H. Andrä
    Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Muenster, Muenster
  • B. Albers, A. Heinen, L. Hupe, M. Kahnt, L. Nowack, H. W. Ortjohann, A. Taschner, Ch. Vitt, S. Wolosin
    Institut fur Kernphysik, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Munster
  A highly efficient 18 GHz Plateau-ECRIS (PECRIS V) has been developed. The magnetic field on axis has a flat plateau-minimum. Together with a very strong permanent magnetic hexapole it creates a large resonance volume. In this resonance volume electrons are electron-cyclotron-resonance-heated more efficiently than in standard ECRIS and the maximum density of the plasma is obtained near the axis from where ions are primarily extracted. The plasma chamber is designed as a microwave resonator with specific end-plates to achieve high microwave amplitudes on the axis in spite of the low microwave power of <500 W. Up to 4 microwave frequencies have simultaneously been used. By the use of several frequencies at, above , and below the plateau, we become less sensitive on density variations in the plasma. We also present a technique for the extraction of intense short pulses of highly charged ions. This technique temporarily reduces the magnetic field on the extraction side and is an interesting alternative to the afterglow, in particular for the highest charge states. The design and the highly efficient operation of PECRIS V may thus serve as guideline for the future conceptions of ECRIS.  
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TUCO-D02 Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in a Plateau-ECRIS 168
  • M. Kahnt, B. Albers, L. Hupe, L. Nowack, H. W. Ortjohann
    Institut fur Kernphysik, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Munster
  • J. H. Andrä
    Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Muenster, Muenster
  It is shown why static or low frequency electric fields perpendicular to the magnetic field can penetrate into a magnetized plasma of high density. A configuration of electrodes is chosen for the application of radio-frequency electric fields to heat by ion-cyclotron-resonance (ICR) Ar(q+)-, H-, and He-ions in PECRIS V with a magnetic plateau and a great resonance volume. It is shown that all ions ICR-heated in this resonance volume gain rotational energy E(rot) and stay thus better confined leading to a drop so that their extracted currents. E(rot) of these ions thermalizes while they are further ionized by electron collisions so that the extracted currents of Ar((q+n)+)-ions do show a considerable increase with 2<n<7. The extracted currents of the two ICR-heated light ions do show only drops which will be discussed in detail. As proof of their gain of E(rot) the energy gain of extracted He-ions has been measured. The ICR-heating of multi-charged ions may thus be a technique to considerably improve the currents of the highest charge states.  
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