Paper | Title | Page |
TUA2C09 | Lattice Optimization for the Stochastic Cooling in the Accumulator Ring at Fermilab | 110 |
New efforts are under way at Fermilab to increase the rate of the antiproton production. This program includes the machine optics optimization in order to improve mixing and help stochastic cooling. The new lattice has been implemented in May of this year. Results will be discussed, as well as some aspects of model development and lattice measurements. | ||
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THAP15 | Beam Based Measurements for Stochastic Cooling Systems at Fermilab | 198 |
Maximizing performance of stochastic cooling would not be possible without beam based measurements. In this paper we discuss experience with beam based measurements of Antiproton source stochastic cooling; and how the measurement results are used in building of the cooling system model.
Work supported by the Fermi Research Alliance, under contract DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy. |
Poster |