Paper | Title | Page |
MOA1I01 | Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling at RHIC | 25 |
Stochastic cooling of ions in RHIC has been implemtneted to counteract Intra-Beam Scattering and prevent debunching during stores for luminosity production. The two main challenges in cooling bunched beam at 100 GeV/n are the coherent components in the Schottky spectra and producing the high voltage for the kicker in the 5 - 8 GHz band required for optimal cooling. The technical solutions to these challenges are described. Results of cooling proton beam in a test run and cooling gold ions in the FY07 production run are presented. | ||
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WEM2I05 | Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling Simulations and Comparison with Data | 125 |
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy. With the experimental success of longitudinal, bunched beam stochastic cooling in RHIC it is natural to ask whether the system works as well as it might and whether upgrades or new systems are warranted. A computer code, very similar to those used for multi-particle coherent instability simulations, has been written and is being used to address these questions. |