TUBY  —  Contributed Parallel E - High intensity linacs / Proton drivers   (30-May-06   13:30—15:30)

Paper Title Page
TUBY02 Physics Design of a Multi-GeV Superconducting H-minus Linac 134
  • P. N. Ostroumov
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  • G. Apollinari, G. W. Foster, R. C. Webber
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
  We discuss design of a pulsed linac based on 430 independently phased superconducting resonators for acceleration of 40 mA peak current H-minus beam up to 8-GeV. Most of the voltage gain (from ~410 MeV to 8 GeV) is provided by ILC cavities and squeezed ILC-style cavities operating at 1300 MHz. Significant cost savings are expected from the use of an rf power fan out from high-power klystrons to multiple cavities. The front end of the linac operating at 325 MHz will be based on multiple-spoke cavities. A room temperature section comprised of a conventional RFQ and 16 short normal conducting H-type resonators is proposed for the initial acceleration of an H-minus or proton beam up to 10 MeV. We have developed an accelerator lattice which satisfies the beam physics and engineering specifications.  
TUBY03 Error study of LINAC 4 137
  • M. A. Baylac, J.-M. De Conto, E. Froidefond
    LPSC, Grenoble
  • E. Zh. Sargsyan
    CERN, Geneva
  LINAC 4 is a normal conducting H- linac which aims to intensify the proton flux available for the CERN accelerator complex. This injector is designed to accelerate a 65 mA beam up to 180 MeV. The linac consists of 4 different types of accelerating structures: the 352 MHz IPHI-RFQ, a 352 MHz 3-tank Drift Tube Linac, a 352 MHz Coupled Cavity Drift Tube Linac, and a 704.4 MHz Side Coupled Linac to boost the beam up to the final energy. As LINAC 4 is also designed as a pre-injector for a high power superconducting linac (3.5 GeV, 4 MW) the requirements on acceptable beam emittance growth, halo formation and particle loss are extremely tight. In order to determine the tolerances on the linac components, we examined the sensitivity of the structure to errors on the accelerating field and on the focusing quadrupoles. Simulations were performed between 3 and 180 MeV with the transport code TRACEWIN to evaluate the emittance growth, energy and phase jitter, halo formation of the transported beam and the amount of lost particles. We will present results on individual sensitivities to a single error, as well as the global impact of simultaneous errors on the beam quality. We will mention a f  
TUBY04 Operational flexibility of the SPL as proton driver for neutrino and other applications 150
  • F. Gerigk, R. Garoby
    CERN, Geneva
  The pulse structure of proton linacs is determined by the linac energy, the RF system, and the maximum duty cycle of the source. Short bursts of protons in the microsecond range can be achieved by adding an accumulator ring and a reduction of the bunch length to the order of nanoseconds can be accomplished with an additional bunch compressor ring. The size of the rings along with their RF frequency determines the time structure of the proton driver output burst to hit the target. This pulse structure can be further modified using multiple fillings of the accumulator and compressor rings within one linac pulse. This paper illustrates the possible modes of operation of the SPL at CERN along with its limitations at various energies in combination with accumulator and compressor rings.  
  • J. Rodnizki, D. Berkovits, K. Lavie, A. Shor, Y. Yanai
    Soreq NRC, Yavne
  The beam dynamic simulation of the SARAF 40 MeV, 4 mA deuteron beam superconducting linac is extended in this work to 90 MeV for the EURISOL driver. It is designed for a high energy gain gradient with a moderate emittance growth, based on an end-to-end 3D simulation using a detailed 40 k macro particles distribution at the RFQ exit. The linac consists of 84 superconducting HWRs and one superconducting solenoid per two HWRs. The result average energy gain is 2.0 MeV/m. At the linac first cryomodule, where the  mismatch is high, the emittance growth is controlled by considering the bunch acceleration phase at each of the HWR coupled acceleration gaps.