Paper | Title | Page |
THBZ01 | Commissioning of the LHC collimation system | 0 |
The collimation system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will rely on 90 collmators for beam cleaning and machine protection. The full system includes betatron and momentum cleaning collimators, beam absorbers, local protection elements, injection protection devices and transfer line collimators. These collimators must all be coherently adjusted with tight tolerances to small gaps around the beam, at distances from the beam centre that range from 4.5 to 10 betatron beam σs. In particular, the relative rectraction of elements placed in different locations along the 27~km LHC ring must be respected to ensure the required overall cleaning and protection performance. In this paper, the proposed scenarios for commissioning and operating this complex system are discussed. The achievements at SPS with a collimator prototype are also outlined. | ||
THBZ02 | Commissioning strategies for J-PARC linac and L3BT | 347 |
We plan to start the beam commissioning of J-PARC linac with reduced energy of 181 MeV in the end of this year. Detailed commissioning strategies for the linac and the succeeding beam transport line, to which we refer as L3BT or Linac-to-3-GeV-synchrotron Beam Transport, will be presented in this talk. The emphasis will be put on the commissioning procedures for two debuncher cavities and a transverse collimator system located in L3BT, because they are key elements in determining the final beam quality at the injection point to the succeeding 3-GeV synchrotron. The unique design and features of the collimator system are also presented. | ||
THBZ03 | Commissioning of the Fermilab NuMI Neutrino Beam | 0 |
NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) is an intense muon-neutrino beam used for long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments. The neutrinos are produced from the interactions of a high-power, high-energy proton beam in a solid target. NuMI was commisioned in the winter of 2004-2005 and subsequently began regular operation. This talk will discuss: commissioning of the primary, secondary, and tertiary beams; beam-based alignment of the beam components; and incremental tuning of the accelerator and beamline for high-power running (current max of ~ 250 kW).
Present on behalf of the MINOS collaboration. |
THBZ04 | Installation and first beam of SPES source at INFN-LNL | 0 |
Since the fall of 2000 proton beams are available from the source TRIPS, a high intensity microwave discharge ion source, the goal of which is the injection of a proton current of 40 mA in the following RFQ, with a rms normalized emittance lower than 0.2π mm-mrad for an operating voltage of 80 kV. TRIPS has recently moved to LNL and it is now under commissioning for a further optimization necessary to achieve SPES requirements. Details of the platform installation and preliminary characterization of extracted beam are presented. | ||
THBZ05 | The SNS linac commissioning comparison of measurement and model* | 353 |
The Spallation Neutron Source linac commissioning was an excellent opportunity to benchmark the model with the measurement data for a high intensity linac. A new halo formation mechanism due to large beam eccentricity predicted by simulation was confirmed through a series of emittance measurement. Also the phase scan technique and the acceptance scan technique were benchmarked. Commissioning both demonstrated the validity of the model and revealed the shortfall of the model. |