THBW  —  General Parallel Session A+B+D with a Focus on Code Benchnmarking   (01-Jun-06   13:30—15:30)

Paper Title Page
THBW01 Code benchmarking on induce space charge particle trapping 344
  • G. Franchetti, I. Hofmann
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • S. Machida
    CCLRC/RAL/ASTeC, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
  Trapping of particles in a high intensity bunch has been studied by using the MICROMAP. The numerical studies were used to interpret the CERN-PS experiments and explore the underlying beam loss/emittance growth mechanisms. We present in this contributed talk the first attempt of code benchmarking in modeling the long term storage of a high intensity bunch. The code benchmarking is initiated between MICROMAP and SIMPSONS.  
THBW02 Electron-Cloud Benchmarking & CARE-HHH Codes 350
  • F. Zimmermann
    CERN, Geneva
  The state-of-the-art in code benchmarking for various types of electron-cloud simulations is reviewed. In particular, we recall possible meanings of benchmarking, summarize past and more recent code comparisons, present examples of code verifications against machine experiments, describe some remaining uncertainties, and formulate a few goals for the future. The code-benchmarking effort is supported by the CARE-HHH initiative on accelerator physics simulation codes, whose other objectives include a common web repository and the practical extension of simulation codes.