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WEBX06 |
Analysis of emittance growth in the Fermilab Booster
271 |
- K. Y. Ng
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
- X. Huang
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- S.-Y. Lee
IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana
Multi-particle similations are performed to study emittance growth in the Fermilab Booster. Analysis shows that the sourcce of the vertical emittance growth comes mostly from random errors in skew quadrupoles as well as the transverse space-charge force. Random errors in the dipole fields and the Montague resonance do contribute but to a much lesser extent. The effect of random errors in the quadrupoles is small because the betatron envelope tunes are resonably far away from the half-integer stopband.
WEBZ01 |
Correction of unevenness in Recycler beam profile
244 |
- K. Y. Ng, J. L. Crisp, M. Hu
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
When a beam is confined between two rf barriers in the Fermilab Recycler Ring, it is observed that the longitudinal beam profile between the barriers is in general very uneven (typically about 20% for a beam of intensity 5E11). This leads to the consequence that the momentum-mined antiproton bunches may have an intolerable variation in bunch intensity. It is shown that the observed unevenness in beam profile is the result of a tiny amount (around 2%) of rf potential imperfection and a tiny amount (around 0.5%) of rf beam loading. The beam profile can be made even by feeding back the unevenness of the effective rf potential to the low-level rf.