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WEAY02 |
Electron cooling of 8 GeV antiprotons at Fermilabs Recycler: Results and operational implications
182 |
- L. R. Prost, D. R. Broemmelsiek, A. V. Burov, K. Carlson, C. Gattuso, M. Hu, T. K. Kroc, J. R. Leibfritz, S. Nagaitsev, S. M. Pruss, G. W. Saewert, C. W. Schmidt, A. V. Shemyakin, M. Sutherland, V. Tupikov, A. Warner
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
Electron cooling of 8 GeV antiprotons at Fermilabs Recycler storage ring is now routinely used in the collider operation. It requires a 0.1-0.5 A, 4.3 MeV DC electron beam that reduces the longitudinal phase-space of the circulating antiproton beam. This paper first describes the characteristics of the electron beam that was achieved to successfully cool antiprotons as well as its necessary stability. Then, results from various cooling force measurements along with comparison to a simple non-magnetized model will be presented. Finally, operational aspects of the implementation of electron cooling at the Recycler will be discussed, such as regulation of the cooling rate and the influence of the electron beam on the antiprotons lifetime.
THAW07 |
Transverse electron-antiproton instability in the Recycler Ring
334 |
- A. V. Burov
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
Lifetime degradation of electron-cooled ions was observed at several electron coolers. In the Recycler, both the lifetime drop and emittance growth of the e-cooled pbars are seen. A possible reason for that can be a coherent interaction between the electron and antiproton beams. A theoretical model of this instability is presented, and a practical recommendation for its suppression is explained and discussed.
FRAP01 |
358 |
- F. Zimmermann
CERN, Geneva
- A. V. Burov
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
We summarize the presentations and discussions of the HB2006 Working Group A, devoted to beam instabilities, and of the joint session of Working Groups A, B (on space charge), and D (beam cooling and experiments). First we review the progress on conventional instabilities and impedances, and then the advances on electron cloud.