Paper | Title | Page |
F-01 | A Secondary Radioactive Beam Line for the SPIRAL 2 Project: First Step, the Design Study | 346 |
This second generation radioactive ion beam facility will be constructed at GANIL and be operational in 2012 with stable beams and 2013 with radioactive ion beams. The aim of the installation is to produce high-intensity, high-quality radioactive ion beams of isotopes from large regions of the chart of nuclei in the range of 3 to 240u. Following description corresponds to the conceptual design study of a low energy RIB transport line for the SPIRAL 2 project. |
F-02 | Hollow Cathode E-Gun for EBIS in Charge Breeding Experiment | 350 |
The charge breeding technique is used for Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) production in the Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) method in order of optimizing the reacceleration of the radioactive elements produced by a primary beam in a thick target. In some experiments a continuous RIB of certain energy could be required. The EBIS based charge breeding device cannot reach a real CW operation because the high charge state ions produced are extracted by the same part where the 1+ ions are injected, that is, from the electron collector. In this paper, an hollow cathode e-gun for an EBIS in charge breeding operation has been presented. Furthermore, a preliminary system design to inject the 1+ ions from the cathode part will be also shown. In this way, the ions extraction system, placed in the electron beam collector, can be left only to extract the n+ ions, and then the CW operation, at least in principle, could be reached. |
Study and Test on the 1+ Ion Source of the SPES Project | ||
The production target of the SPES project is going to produce neutron rich isotopes (Z > 40) by directly impinging a 40 MeV proton beam of I = 200 μA on 7 coaxial UCx porous thin disks. In order to produce a very intense exotic beam, a strong effort on target ion source development is necessary. In the SPES facility the standard ISOLDE MK1 surface ion source is used for 1+ ions production; in this kind of source a high temperature cavity of Tungsten (also Tantalum or Rhenium) is able to ionize efficiently the alkalis, rare-earth elements and low ionization potential molecules. In this way the ions are ready to be extracted and accelerated by means of an extraction electrode kept at 60 kV. In this work the Structural-Thermal-Electric behaviour of the MK1 ion source is studied, considering a full 3-D Coupled Structural-Thermal-Electric ANSYS® Finite Element model; FE results are compared with both potential difference and temperature measurements. To study the Electrostatic field of the extraction zone close to the ion source an ANSYS® FE Electrostatic model was developed. |
F-04 | The Light Ion Guide CB-ECRIS Project at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute | 354 |
Texas A&M University is currently configuring a scheme for the production of radioactive-ion beams that incorporates a light-ion guide (LIG) coupled with an ECRIS constructed for charge-boosting (CB-ECRIS). This scheme is part of an upgrade to the Cyclotron Institute and is intended to produce radioactive beams suitable for injection into the K500 superconducting cyclotron. The principle of operation is the following: the primary beam interacts with a production target placed in the gas cell. A continuous flow of helium gas maintains a constant pressure of 500 mbar maximum in the cell. Recoils are thermalized in the helium buffer gas and ejected from the cell within the gas flow through a small exit hole. The positively charged recoil ions (1+ ) are guided into a 2.43 m long rf-only hexapole and will be transported in this manner on-axis into the CB-ECRIS (Charge Breeding - ECRIS). The CB-ECRIS will operate at 14.5 GHz and has been specially constructed by Scientific Solutions of San Diego, California for chargeboosting. An overall image of the entire project will be presented with details on different construction phases. Specific measurements and results will be presented as well as future developments. |