Paper | Title | Page |
WE-12 | Acceleration of Heavy Ions Generated by ECR and EBIS | 143 |
ECR and EBIS have become well-known ion sources for most heavy ion accelerator projects. The basic difference arises from the method, how energy is provided to create dense energetic electrons: An ECR uses microwave heating of a magnetically confined plasma, while in an EBIS the energy comes from a power supply to accelerate an electron beam and focus it to high density in a strong solenoidal magnetic field. Basically ECR sources are dc sources of heavy ions but the afterglow extraction also provides intense mA pulses in ms. In contrast to this EBIS sources provide an intense ion pulse in 1-100 μs and therefore find application in feeding synchrotrons. This determines most of the accelerator applications: ECR sources have very successfully extended the range (and life) of cyclotrons, while EBIS has found application at high energy facilities. For radioactive beam facilities, both kind of sources are in use. ECR sources in the trapping mode (ECRIT) perform the ionization (charge breeding) of high intensity primary beams, while EBIS can reach higher charge states at lower emittance, which provides an improved signal to noise ratio for rare isotopes. |