Paper | Title | Page |
Beam Physics and Technology Challenge for Multi-MW CW Proton Linac | |
Multi-MW CW proton linac has found significant applications in particle physics research, nuclear physics research and various neutron sources such as ADS. However, currently there has not been any MW-level CW proton linac in routine operation due to beam physics challenge and technology challenge although a lot of R&D activities have being conducted worldwide in the last decades. Taking 15 MW@10 mA ADS proton linac as a design example, this talk will address the key points of the beam physics challenge would be space charge with strong nonlinear repulsive forces, beam halo match and beam instability. Beam dynamics simulation and beam optimization through computer codes with at least 100000 reference particles have become significant to validate the beam dynamics design and keep the uncontrolled beam losses below 1 W/m. We must also take up a lot of technology challenges, such as proton source with minimum numbers of beam trip, CW proton RFQ, high gradient SRF cavity, integrated cryomodule with multi-cavities, non-interceptive diagnostics, beam collimation, beam loss detection and control, beam trip mitigation, machine protection and high power beam tuning. | ||
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Slides MOYLR05 [8.690 MB] | |
THO2AB01 | ECRIS Developments Towards Intense High Brightness Highly-charged Ion Beams | 363 |
To meet the increasing needs of modern heavy ion accelerators, a ECR ion source must be developed to deliver high intensity high brightness high charge state ion beams, in terms of accelerator output power and beam transmission efficiency. With the success in several laboratories on fully superconducting ECR ion source development, the performance of highly charged heavy ion beams have been greatly enhanced. For instance, U33+ intensity had been doubled in 2011 by VENUS source at LBNL. This paper will present the development work at IMP towards a high performance ECR ion source. Recent high intensity bismuth results will be given, such as 710 eμA Bi30+ with SECRAL source. The first room temperature ECR ion source using evaporative cooling technique will also be reviewed. And the discussion of ECRIS extraction and transmission beam line on ion beam quality will also be presented in this paper. | ||
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Slides THO2AB01 [4.401 MB] | |