Author: Xiao, C.
Paper Title Page
WEO3LR04 Emittance Transfer in Linacs 289
  • L. Groening, M.T. Maier, C. Xiao
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • O.K. Kester
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  Flat beams feature unequal emittances in the horizontal and vertical phase space. Such beams were created successfully in electron machines by applying effective stand-alone solenoid fringe fields in the electron gun. This contribution is an extension of the method to ion beams and on the decoupling capabilities of such a round-to-flat adaptor. The beam line provides a single-knob tool to partition the horizontal and vertical rms emittances, while keeping the product of the two emittances constant as well as the transverse rms Twiss parameters (betax;y and alphax;y) in both planes. This single knob is the solenoid field strength. The successful commissioning of the set-up with beam will be presented as well.  
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