Author: Rybarcyk, L.
Paper Title Page
MOPAB30 A Multi-particle Online Beam Dynamics Simulator for High Power Ion Linac Operations 99
  • X. Pang, S.A. Baily, L. Rybarcyk
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  Funding: Work supported by DOE under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396
During high-power ion-linac operations, the low-beam-loss operational settings are typically extrapolated from the low-power mode through highly subjective empirical adjustments. Existing simulation tools in accelerator control rooms are too simplified to handle the complex beam dynamics and the strong space charge effects, therefore providing no useful guidance for the high power beam tuning. We have been developing a GPU accelerated multi-particle beam dynamics simulator to try to bridge the gap. By combining the GPU technology and the multi-particle beam dynamics simulation algorithms, we have created a realistic beam simulator that is both accurate and fast enough to be useful in accelerator control rooms. Once connected to the EPICS control system, the simulator can rapidly respond to any control set point changes and predict beam properties along an ion linac in pseudo real time. Its applications include virtual diagnostics during operations, test-bed for new operation/control schemes, operation optimization and operator training.