Author: Meng, C.
Paper Title Page
Beam Halo Control Study on the ADS Superconducting Linac Design at IHEP  
  • F. Yan, H. Geng, C. Meng, S. Pei, J.Y. Tang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • Z. Li
    SCU, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
  The Ac­cel­er­a­tor Dri­ven sub-crit­i­cal Sys­tem (ADS) has an ex­tremely low beam loss rate de­mand for the dri­ver linac be­cause of the high power in­ten­sity needed to be trans­ferred to the tar­get. China ADS pro­ject is pro­posed to build a 15 MW pro­ton linac with final en­ergy of 1.5 GeV and an av­er­age beam cur­rent of 10 mA. Ful­fill­ing the 1 W/m power losses re­stric­tion along the whole linac posed a very high re­quire­ment on the sta­bil­ity of the dri­ver linac de­sign. Most of the beam losses in this level as­so­ci­ated with the halo par­ti­cles. In the de­sign stage of China ADS linac, the beam halo are con­trolled in sev­eral as­pects ac­cord­ing to the halo for­ma­tion mech­a­nisms. Rea­son­able de­signs have been achieved for the China ADS In­jec­tor-I with few per­cent­age of nor­mal­ized rms emit­tances. Ex­ten­sive error analy­sis were car­ried out to test the sta­bil­ity of the In­jec­tor-I de­sign. The de­sign con­sid­er­a­tions, the re­sults of an op­ti­mized de­sign and the beam dy­namic sim­u­la­tions in­clud­ing ma­chine er­rors are in­tro­duced and pre­sented in de­tail.  
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