Paper | Title | Page |
TUO3LR01 | Understanding Beam Losses in High Intensity Proton Accumulator Rings | 192 |
Funding: U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 Beam losses and the resulting radio-activation of accelerator components are major considerations governing the operations, development and performance of medium-energy, high-intensity proton accumulator rings such as the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR). Several beam loss mechanisms contribute including beam scattering (nuclear and large angle Coulomb scattering) in the injection foil, production of excited states of H0 in the H− injection stripper foil that subsequently field strip in the magnetic fields down stream of the foil, halo growth from space charge effects, beam instabilities and losses from the fast extraction process. This talk will cover progress in the diagnosis, measurement, and modeling of beam losses at PSR with some comparisons to other rings. The roles the computer codes MAD8*, ORBIT**, G4Beamline***, and others used in modeling beam losses will be discussed and the modeling results compared with relevant experimental data. Concepts and prospects for future improvements such as laser striping for injection will be discussed at the end of the presentation. * F. Christoph Iselin, The MAD Program, 1994, CERN-BE/ABP ** J. A. Holmes, ICFA BD Newsletter, No 30, page100, 2003. *** Muons, Inc, G4Beamline, |
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Slides TUO3LR01 [1.947 MB] | |