Paper | Title | Page |
MOXLR01 | The High Luminosity Challenge: Potential and Limitations of High-Intensity High-Brightness Beams in the LHC and its Injectors | 1 |
Funding: Research supported by EU FP7 HiLumi LHC - Grant Agreement 284404 and by DOE via the US-LARP program. High-intensity and high-brightness beams are key ingredients to maximize the integrated luminosity of the LHC and exploit its full potential. This contribution will describe the optimization of the beam and machine parameters to maximize the integrated luminosity for the LHC experiments, by taking into account the expected intensity and brightness reach of the LHC and its injector chain and the capabilities of the detectors for the next run and foreseen upgrade scenarios. |
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Slides MOXLR01 [2.574 MB] | |
MOPAB10 | Beam-based Performance of the CERN PS Transverse Feedback | 40 |
The CERN PS transverse damper is a flexible wideband system to damp injection coherent oscillations, inter and intra-bunch transverse instabilities at different energies along the cycle, to perform controlled emittance blow-up and to serve as abort cleaning device. In this paper we summarise some beam-based observations of the CERN PS transverse feedback performance and compare them with the expected results. | ||
TUO1AB02 | Upgrades of the RF Systems in the LHC Injector Complex | 165 |
In the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) project the radio-frequency (RF) systems of the synchrotrons in the LHC injector chain will undergo significant improvements to reach the high beam intensity and quality required by the High-Luminosity (HL) LHC. Following the recent upgrade of the longitudinal beam control system in the PS Booster (PSB), tests with Finemet cavities are being performed in view of a complete replacement of the existing RF systems in the PSB by ones based on this technology. In the PS a similar wide-band Finemet cavity has been installed as a longitudinal damper. New 1-turn delay feedbacks on the main accelerating cavities to reduce their impedance have also been commissioned. Additional feedback and beam control improvements are foreseen. A major upgrade of the main RF system in the SPS by regrouping sections of its travelling wave cavities, increasing the number of cavities from four to six, will reduce beam-loading and allow higher intensities to be accelerated. The upgrade includes the installation of two new RF power plants and new feedback systems. All upgrades will be evaluated with respect to their expected benefits for the beams to the LHC. | ||
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Slides TUO1AB02 [4.317 MB] | |
WEO4AB02 | New PSB H− Injection and 2 GeV Transfer to the CERN PS | 320 |
At CERN Linac4 is being commissioned as first step in the LHC injector upgrade to provide 160 MeV H− ions. In order to fully deploy its potential, the PSB conventional multiturn injection will be replaced by a charge exchange injection. An expected brightness improvement of about a factor 2 would then be difficult to digest at PS injection due to space charge. Therefore the transfer energy between PSB and PS will be increased at the same time from 1.4 to 2 GeV. This paper describes the new PSB injection system and the status of its test stand. Modifications of the PSB extraction and recombination septa and kickers in the transfer line are shown. A new focussing structure for the transfer lines to match the horizontal dispersion at PS injection and the design of a new eddy current septum for the PS injection are presented. | ||
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Slides WEO4AB02 [2.867 MB] | |
THO1LR01 | Long-term Beam Losses in the CERN Injector Chain | 325 |
For the production of the LHC type beams, but also for the high intensity ones, the budget allocated to losses in the CERN injector chain is maintained as tight as possible, in particular to keep as low as possible the activation of the different machine elements. Various beam dynamics effects, like for example beam interaction with betatronic resonances, beam instabilities, but also reduced efficiency of the RF capture processes or RF noise, can produce losses even on a very long time scale. The main different mechanisms producing long term losses observed in the CERN injectors, and their cure or mitigation, will be revised. | ||
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Slides THO1LR01 [5.913 MB] | |
THO1LR03 | Recent Development in the Mitigation of Long Term High Intensity Beam Loss | 330 |
In this talk it is presented the state of the art studies to mitigate the long term beam loss in the FAIR accelerator. The effect of high intensity is discussed in relation with high intensities. In particular the discussion is made on the interplay of space charge with coupled machine resonance as the 3rd order. A new development in the theory of the 3rd order resonance is used to discuss the periodic crossing of resonances, hence the mitigation of the resonance effects, and experimental investigation (CERN-PS, and GSI) are addressed and interpreted. | ||
FRO1AU04 |
Working Group D Summary | |
Summary of Working Group D | ||
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Slides FRO1AU04 [1.486 MB] | |