Paper | Title | Page |
WGA33 | Numerical Study of Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Cyclotrons Including Neighboring Bunch Effects | 178 |
Abstract: Space charge effects play an important role in high intensity cyclotrons, as the most important collective effects. For cyclotrons with small turn separation, single bunch space charge effects are not the only contribution. The interaction of radially neighboring bunches are also present but their effect has, in greater detail, not yet been investigated. In this paper, for the first time, a new PIC based self-consistent numerical simulation model is presented, which covers neighboring bunch effects and is implemented in a three-dimensional object-oriented parallel code OPAL-cycl, a flavor of the OPAL framework. Apart from the full 3D tracking mode with space charge, the code is also capable to do single particle tracking and betatron tune calculation for ordinary cyclotron machine design. We present simulation results from the PSI 590 MeV Ring cyclotron in the light of the ongoing high intensity upgrade program, with the goal of 1.8 MW CW on target. We will also compare calculations with measurements from the Ring cyclotron. |
WGD01 | Operation of the High Intensity Proton Beam Facility at PSI | 329 |
The cyclotron based high power proton accelerator facility at PSI drives a neutron spallation source and two Meson production targets with a CW proton beam at 590MeV kinetic energy. This talk concentrates on the operational and technical aspects specific to acceleration and transport of a high power beam. Furthermore a summary on upgrade plans to increase the beam power from presently 1.2MW to 1.8MW will be given. |