MOCOCK —  New Development & Status   (23-Aug-10   14:00—15:50)
Chair: T. Nakagawa, RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
Paper Title Page
MOCOCK01 PK-ISIS: a New Superconducting ECR Ion Source at Pantechnik 26
  • A.C.C. Villari, C. Bieth, W. Bougy, B.N. Brionne, X. Donzel, G. Gaubert, R. Leroy, A. Sineau, O. Tasset, C. Vallerand
  • T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  The new ECR ion source PK-ISIS was recently commissioned at Pantechnik. Three superconducting coils generate the axial magnetic field configuration while the radial magnetic field is done with multi-layer permanent magnets. Special care was devoted in the design of the hexapolar structure, allowing a maximum magnetic field of 1.32 T at the wall of the 82 mm diameter plasma chamber. The three superconducting coils using Low Temperature Superconducting wires are cooled by a single double stage cryo-cooler (4.2 K). Cryogen-free technology is used, providing reliability, easy maintenance at low cost. The maximum installed RF power (18.0 GHz) is of 2 kW. Metallic beams can be produced with an oven (Tmax = 1400 °C) installed with an angle of 5° with respect to the source axis or a sputtering system, mounted in the axis of the source. The beam extraction system is constituted of three electrodes in accel-decel configuration. Description of the source and results of the magnetic measurements will be given. Performances of the source in terms of beam intensities and charge states distribution will be presented.  
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MOCOCK02 3D Simulation Studies and Optimization of Magnetic Holes of HTS-ECRIS for Improving the Extraction Efficiency and Intensities of Highly Charged Ions 27
  • G. Rodrigues, R.N. Dutt, D. Kanjilal, P.S. Lakshmy, Y. Mathur, U.K. Rao, A. Roy
    IUAC, New Delhi, India
  • R. Baskaran
    IGCAR, Channai, India
  3D simulation studies using RADIA code have been performed to optimise the magnetic holes in high temperature superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (HTS-ECRIS) ion source for improving the extraction efficiency and intensities of highly charged ions. The magnetic field improvements using simple techniques like optimisation of iron regions is found to be economical. The extraction efficiency can be increased three-fold in the case of a hexapole magnet depending on the level of the uniformity of the fields in the high and low regions. This technique further minimises localized heating of the plasma chamber walls which can improve the vacuum conditions in an ECR ion source. For superconducting sources where the x-ray heat load poses severe problems during operation, such a reduction of heating load is of great significance. The typical triangular pattern of the plasma impact observed on the plasma electrode of HTS ECRIS at various tuning conditions are reproduced by the simulations. Details of the simulations and experimental results will be presented.  
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MOCOCK03 Design Study of a Higher Magnetic Field SC ECRIS at IMP 30
  • D. Xie, W. Lu, X.Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  Development of ECR ion source has demonstrated that, as the empirical scaling laws summarized, higher magnetic field with higher operation frequencies will greatly improve the source performance. Based on the great success of SECRAL, a higher magnetic field SC ECRIS is planned to meet the new accelerator demands at IMP. However, there are many practical issues in the design and construction of a higher field SC ECRIS that need to be addressed. In this paper we will present and discuss the design features of the higher field SC ECR with a maximum axial field of 7.0 T and a radial field of 3.5 T at the plasma chamber inner surface, and operating frequency up to 50 GHz.  
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MOCOCK04 Measurement of the Sixty GHz ECR Ion Source using Megawatt Magnets - SEISM Magnetic Field Map 33
  • M. Marie-Jeanne, J. Jacob, T. Lamy, L. Latrasse
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • F. Debray, J. Matera, R. Pfister, C. Trophime
    GHMFL, Grenoble, France
  LPSC has developed a prototype of 60GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source called SEISM. The first 60GHz magnetic structure is based on a cusp geometry, using resistive polyhelix coils designed in collaboration with the Intense Magnetic Fields National Laboratory (LNCMI). A dedicated test bench helices coils in their tanks, electrical, and water cooling environment was built to study the mechanics, thermal behaviour and magnetic field characteristics obtained at various current levels. During the last months, measurements were performed for several magnetic configurations, with up to 7000A applied on the injection/extraction coils set. The magnetic field achieved at 13000A is expected to allow 28GHz ECR condition. However, cavitation issues that appeared around 7000A are to be solved before carrying on with the tests. This contribution will recall some of the crucial steps in the prototype fabrication, and show preliminary results from the measurements at 7000A. Possible explanations for the discrepancies observed between the results and the simulation will be given.  
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MOCOCK05 Multigan®: a New Multicharged Ion Source Based on Axisymetric Magnetic Structure 37
  • L. Maunoury, P. Delahaye, M. Dubois, P. Jardin, P. Lehérissier, M. Michel, J.Y. Pacquet
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • S. Biri
    ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
  • X. Donzel, G. Gaubert, R. Leroy, A.C.C. Villari
  • C. Pierret
    CIMAP, Caen, France
  Standard ECR ion sources have radial magnetic field created by a multi-pole, e.g. hexapole or higher order, which fills all space in the center of the source structure. Based on the Monogan® ECRIS [1] concept, a new multicharged ECR ions source has been designed with a large opening space in the center of the source structure. This particular design allows, in a first approach, direct radial contact with the ECR plasma, allowing positioning of probes and targets for radioactive beam production very close to the plasma region. Secondly, the absence of a multi-pole allows considering extremely high magnetic fields with significantly smaller structural constraints. This source is combining the advantages of the axisymetric magnetic feature of Monogan® with higher frequencies. This paper will describe the magnetic structure calculation as well as the mechanical design and stresses of a full permanent magnet ion source using this concept. This source will be the first prototype of such an ECR ion source. Finally, using TrapCad code [2], an estimation of the electronic energy distribution has been calculated and thus, the performance of the source has been deduced. The beam formation and extraction were also roughly calculated taking into account magnetic and electric fields.
[1] P. Jardin et al., Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 789 (2002).
[2] L. Maunoury et al., Plasma Sources Science and Technology , 18, 015019 (2009).
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