Author: Takayama, K.
Paper Title Page
TUPOT015 Permanent Magnet ECRIS for the KEK Digital Accelerator 150
  • K.W. Leo, T. Adachi
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Arai, K. Koyama, M. Wake
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Okazaki
    Nippon Advanced Technology Co. Ltd., Ibaraki-prefecture, Japan
  • K. Takayama
    TIT, Yokohama, Japan
  The existing KEK 500 MeV booster synchrotron is renovated into a digital accelerator (DA) capable of accelerating all species of ion [1]. The KEK-DA is an induction synchrotron employing no large injector. Its concept was demonstrated in 2006 using the 12 GeV proton synchrotron [2,3], where a proton bunch was accelerated with pulse voltages generated by a transformer instead of RF. In the KEK-DA, O, Ne, and Ar ions from the ECRIS embedded in the 200 kV high-voltage terminal (HVT) are directly injected into the ring though the low energy beam transport line. The permanent magnet ECRIS, in which a plasma is fired by x-band microwave pulses of 3 msec at 10 Hz, has been assembled at KEK. Its operational performance such as charge-state spectrum, emittance, and current is tested since the last year. In addition, the HVT with a voltage stabilizing circuit is being assembled now. Beam dynamical analysis from the cathode hall to the separation magnet, where possible charge-state ions are contaminated in the space-charge limit and beam focusing is realized through the Einzel lens and tandem acceleration gaps, is discussed as well as operational characteristics of the ECRIS.
[1] K. Takayama et al., “All-ion Accelerator: an Injector-free Synchrotron”, J. of Appl. Phys. 101, 063304(2007).
[2] K. Takayama et al., “Experimental Demonstration of the Induction Synchrotron”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 054801 (2007).
[3] K. Takayama and R.Briggs (Eds.), Induction Accelerators (Springer-Verlarg, 2010).
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