Author: Takayama, K.
Paper Title Page
TUPOT015 Permanent Magnet ECRIS for the KEK Digital Accelerator 150
  • K.W. Leo, T. Adachi
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Arai, K. Koyama, M. Wake
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Okazaki
    Nippon Advanced Technology Co. Ltd., Ibaraki-prefecture, Japan
  • K. Takayama
    TIT, Yokohama, Japan
  The ex­ist­ing KEK 500 MeV boost­er syn­chrotron is ren­o­vat­ed into a dig­i­tal ac­cel­er­a­tor (DA) ca­pa­ble of ac­cel­er­at­ing all species of ion [1]. The KEK-DA is an in­duc­tion syn­chrotron em­ploy­ing no large in­jec­tor. Its con­cept was demon­strat­ed in 2006 using the 12 GeV pro­ton syn­chrotron [2,3], where a pro­ton bunch was ac­cel­er­at­ed with pulse volt­ages gen­er­at­ed by a trans­former in­stead of RF. In the KEK-DA, O, Ne, and Ar ions from the ECRIS em­bed­ded in the 200 kV high-volt­age ter­mi­nal (HVT) are di­rect­ly in­ject­ed into the ring though the low en­er­gy beam trans­port line. The per­ma­nent mag­net ECRIS, in which a plas­ma is fired by x-band mi­crowave puls­es of 3 msec at 10 Hz, has been as­sem­bled at KEK. Its op­er­a­tional per­for­mance such as charge-state spec­trum, emit­tance, and cur­rent is test­ed since the last year. In ad­di­tion, the HVT with a volt­age sta­bi­liz­ing cir­cuit is being as­sem­bled now. Beam dy­nam­i­cal anal­y­sis from the cath­ode hall to the sep­a­ra­tion mag­net, where pos­si­ble charge-state ions are con­tam­i­nat­ed in the space-charge limit and beam fo­cus­ing is re­al­ized through the Einzel lens and tan­dem ac­cel­er­a­tion gaps, is dis­cussed as well as op­er­a­tional char­ac­ter­is­tics of the ECRIS.
[1] K. Takayama et al., “All-ion Accelerator: an Injector-free Synchrotron”, J. of Appl. Phys. 101, 063304(2007).
[2] K. Takayama et al., “Experimental Demonstration of the Induction Synchrotron”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 054801 (2007).
[3] K. Takayama and R.Briggs (Eds.), Induction Accelerators (Springer-Verlarg, 2010).
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