Author: Serafino, T.
Paper Title Page
TUPOT002 Enhancement of ECR Performances by Means of Carbon Nanotubes Based Electron Guns 114
  • F. Odorici, M. Cuffiani, L. Malferrari, R. Rizzoli, G.P. Veronese
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • G. Castro, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, N. Gambino, S. Gammino, D. Mascali, R. Miracoli, F.P. Romano
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • T. Serafino
    Università di Messina, Messina, Italy
  One of the main goals of the scientific community which deals with ECR Ion Sources is the optimization of the Eelectron Energy Distribution Function (EEDF) inside the plasma. The EEDF consists of three different populations (cold, warm and hot electrons): the cold and the warm populations are responsible of the stabilization and of the efficient ionization of the plasma respectively. The presence of the hot population is doubly detrimental: in high frequency sources they lead to the heating of LHe in the superconducting coils’ cryostat and are also useless for the generation of high intensity ion beams, because of their small cross section. Therefore the injection of additional electrons inside the plasma may increase the density of cold and warm electrons, enabling at the same time to reduce the number of the high energy ones. The CANTES experiment tested the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to emit electrons in presence of strong applied electric fields, in order to provide additional electrons to the plasma core. This technique was used with the Caesar ECR ion source, at INFN-LNS, demonstrating that the total extracted ion current is increased and that a relevant reduction of the number of “high energy” electrons (above 100 keV) can be obtained. This last result is even more important, because CNTs may be an effective and reliable tool to permit the operation of ECRIS at large power and high frequencies without any detrimental effect on the source stability and reliability coming from hot electrons. Details of the construction of CNTs based electron gun and their behaviour in plasma environments are presented. Preliminary results in terms of performances of the Caesar ECR ion source and possible future applications will be also discussed.  
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