Author: Mironov, V.
Paper Title Page
TUCOAK02 Trace Space Reconstruction From Pepperpot Data 78
  • H.R. Kremers, J.P.M. Beijers, S. Brandenburg, V. Mironov, J. Mulder, S. Saminathan
    KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
  We use a pep­per­pot emit­tance meter to de­ter­mine the full trans­verse trace-space dis­tri­bu­tion of low-en­er­gy ion beams. One of the prob­lems en­coun­tered with our emit­tance meter is that the cor­re­la­tion be­tween the mea­sured ion im­ages and the holes in the pep­per­plate is some­what am­bigu­ous caused by the con­vo­lut­ed char­ac­ter of the trace-space dis­tri­bu­tion. In this paper we de­scribe a method to solve this prob­lem and il­lus­trate it with mea­sure­ments of the 4d trans­verse trace-space dis­tri­bu­tion be­hind the an­a­lyz­ing mag­net of a 21 keV He1+ beam ex­tract­ed from the KVI-AE­CR ion source. From these mea­sure­ments to­geth­er with ion-trans­port sim­u­la­tions we con­clude that sec­ond-or­der aber­ra­tions in the an­a­lyz­ing mag­net cause a sig­nif­i­cant in­crease in the ef­fec­tive beam emit­tance.  
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THCOAK03 Dipole Magnet Optimization for High Efficiency Low Energy Beam Transport 197
  • S. Saminathan, J.P.M. Beijers, S. Brandenburg, V. Mironov, J. Mulder
    KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
  Loss­es in the low-en­er­gy beam trans­port line from KVI-AE­CRIS to AGOR cy­clotron are es­ti­mat­ed to be around 50%. Nu­mer­i­cal sim­u­la­tions of the beam trans­port were per­formed using the trac­ing code LORENTZ-3D. It was found that most of the loss­es are due to sec­ond order op­ti­cal aber­ra­tions in the 110-de­gree an­a­lyz­ing mag­net. These aber­ra­tions re­sult in an in­crease of the ef­fec­tive emit­tance in both hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal di­rec­tions. We will show that by suit­ably mod­i­fy­ing the mag­net pole sur­faces the sec­ond-or­der aber­ra­tions can be com­pen­sat­ed to a large ex­tent re­sult­ing in a sub­stan­tial­ly lower ef­fec­tive emit­tance of the trans­port­ed beam.  
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