Paper | Title | Page |
MOPOT008 | He2+ Source Based on Penning Discharge with Additional 75 GHz ECR Heating | 54 |
It is well known that one can reach high average charge of ions in the ECR plasma by increasing plasma density and decreasing neutral gas pressure. ECR discharge could be realized at very low gas pressure, but discharge startup takes longer time when gas pressure is low. So, it is impossible to realize ECR discharge with limited microwave heating pulse duration at gas pressure lower certain threshold value. This problem could be solved with help of trigger plasma, which should be ignited at low gas pressure in the trap with high magnetic field. This fore plasma could help to decrease ECR plasma startup time significantly and make it possible to realize ECR plasma at very low pressure in pulse operation regime. We suggest penning type discharge as a trigger discharge for fast startup of pulsed ECR plasma. Penning type discharge glows at as low pressure as needed. Discharge was realized in the simple mirror magnetic trap at pressure about 10-5 mbar. Helium was used as an operating gas. Significant plasma density (about 1011 cm-3) was obtained at the moment just before microwave heating pulse started. Gyrotron radiation with frequency of 75 GHz, microwave power up to 200 kW and pulse duration up to 1 ms, was used for plasma heating. In the present work the fully striped helium ions were demonstrated, average charge of ions in the plasma was equal 2. Temporal evolution of charge state distribution was investigated. Charge state distribution over helium pressure was also studied. | ||
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Poster MOPOT008 [0.535 MB] | |
TUCOBK01 | Preglow Phenomenon Origins and its Scaling for Ecris | 87 |
Preglow effect investigation is one of topical directions of ECR ion sources development at present. Preglow is of interest for efficient short-pulsed multi-charged ion source creation. Particularly, such source of intense beams of short-living radioactive isotopes multi-charged ions is one of key elements in “Beta-Beam” European project [1]. Use of Preglow-generating regime of an ECRIS operation is a promising way of pulsed high-intense multi-charged ion beams production with much shorter edges in comparison with usual operation regime. The first theoretical investigations of Preglow phenomenon were performed in references [2,3]. Present work describes modified model of ECR discharge development in a magnetic trap of the ECRIS as a continuation of [2,3]. Numerical simulations made with the updated model allow authors to propose more physical and intuitive explanation of Preglow phenomenon origins. Obtained dependences of Preglow characteristics on experimental conditions offer a scaling for a wide range of ECRISes.
[1] (ONLINE) [2] T. Thuillier et al, Rev. of Sci. Instrum., 79, 02A314, 2008. [3] I. Izotov et al, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36, 1494, 2008. |
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Slides TUCOBK01 [0.928 MB] | |
TUCOBK02 | “Preglow” Investigation in ECR Discharge at 37 GHz, 100 kW | 90 |
Multicharged ion beams generation in "Preglow" regime is now considered as the main way of short pulsed ion source creation for “Beta Beam” project. The "Preglow" effect has been investigated at a several laboratories (LPSC, JYFL, IAP RAS). The effect was discovered at LPSC on PHOENIX ion source using 18 GHz radiation for plasma heating. Investigations at 14 GHz frequency were made at JYFL. Theoretical analysis demonstrated the advantage of MW frequency increase. Theoretical calculations predict possibility of "Preglow" peaks generation with duration about tens microseconds and rather high average ion charge. At present time at LPSC a joint construction of a new generation ECR ion source with 60 GHz gyrotron plasma heating is running. As a continuation of previous research at 14, 18 and 28 GHz at present work results of experimental and theoretical "Preglow" effect investigations at SMIS 37 setup with 37,5 GHz MW plasma heating are reported. Received data are important as fundamental result in physics of ECRISs and at the same time it is the next step on the way of 60 GHz SEISM facility creation. “Preglow” effect was observed and investigated in experiments with ECR discharge stimulated with gyrotron radiation @ 37.5 GHz, 100 kW. Received dependencies of the “Preglow” parameters are in good correspondence with results of numerical simulations. It was shown in experiments that generation of “Preglow” peak with duration about 30 μs is possible. | ||
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Slides TUCOBK02 [2.338 MB] | |
TUCOBK04 | Micropulses Generation in ECR Breakdown Stimulated by Gyrotron Radiation at 37.5 GHz | 96 |
Present work is devoted to experimental and theoretical investigation of possibility of short pulsed (< 100 μs) multicharged ion beams creation. The possibility of quasi-stationary generation of short pulsed beams under conditions of quasi-gasdynamic plasma confinement was shown in recent experiments. Later another way of such beams creation based on “Preglow” effect was proposed. In present work it was demonstrated that in the case when duration of MW pulse is less then formation time of “Preglow” peak, realization of a regime when ion current is equal to zero during MW pulse and intense multicharged ions flux appears only when MW ends could be possible. Such pulses after the end of MW were called "micropulses". In present work generation of micropulses was observed in experiments with ECR discharge stimulated by gyrotron radiation @ 37,5GHz, 100 kW. In this case pulses with duration less than 30 μs. Probably the same effect was observed in GANIL where 14 GHz radiation was used and pulses with duration about 2 ms were registered. In present work it was shown that intensity of such micropulse could be higher than intensity of “Preglow” peak at the same conditions but with longer MW pulse. The generation of micropulses of nitrogen and argon multicharged ions with current of a few mA and length about 30 μs after MW pulse with duration of 30-100 μs was demonstrated. The low level of impurities, high current density and rather high average charge make possible to consider such micropulse regime as perspective way for creation of a short pulsed ion source. | ||
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Slides TUCOBK04 [3.473 MB] | |
TUPOT013 | Influence of Initial Plasma Density and Mean Electron Energy on the Preglow Effect | 146 |
The investigation of the Preglow effect is driven with the aim of creating a short-pulsed multicharged ion source. Recent experimental investigations have revealed strong influence of seed electrons, i.e. initial plasma density, on the amplitude and duration of the Preglow peak [1]. Present work, consisting of experiments and simulations, is dedicated to further investigation of the Preglow dependence on initial plasma density and electrons energy. Experimental investigation was performed at University of Jyväskylä (JYFL) with the A-ECR type ECRIS operated with 14 GHz frequency. Helium was used for the study. An initial ionization degree of the gas was varied by changing the pulse duration and duty factor. Time-resolved ion currents of He+ and He2+ were recorded. Calculations were made by using 0-dimensional model described in references [2], [3] and based on the balance equations for the particles confined in the magnetic trap. Results of simulation are compared with experimental Preglow peaks and discussed. Good agreement between experimental data and simulation encourages us to conduct a further study, aimed at optimizing the Preglow by tuning source parameters and initial plasma conditions.
[1] O. Tarvainen et al, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 81, 02A303, 2010. [2] T. Thuillier et al, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 79, 02A314, 2008. [3] I. Izotov et all. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36, 1494, 2008. |
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Poster TUPOT013 [0.569 MB] | |