Author: Havener, C.C.
Paper Title Page
MOCOBK04 Recent Activities at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) 23
  • F.W. Meyer, M.E. Bannister, S. Deng, I.N. Draganić, J.W. Hale, P.R. Harris, C.C. Havener, H.F. Krause, C.R. Vane
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: Sponsored by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. DOE under contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT_Battelle.
We report on recent upgrades of the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility, and our activities in the area of ECR ion source diagnostic measurements. The upgrades include installation of a new all permanent magnet ECR ion source [1] on a high voltage platform that increases our high energy beam production capability to 250keV/q, and installation of a floating beamline fed by a 10 GHz CAPRICE ECR ion source for producing decelerated ion beams to energies as low as a few eV/q range. The primary application of all the produced ion beams is to study fundamental collisional interactions [2] of multicharged ions with electrons, atoms, and surfaces. We also summarize recent diagnostic measurements of the ECR plasma potential and other plasma parameters using an in-situ Langmuir probe installed in the ECR edge plasma and complementary measurements [3] using an external beam deceleration method.
[1] D. Hitz et al. , “An All-Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source for the ORNL MIRF Upgrade Project,” AIP Conference Proceedings 749, 123 (2005), Woodbury, NY.
[2] F.W. Meyer, “ECR-Based Atomic Collision Physics Research at ORNL MIRF,” in Trapping Highly Charged Ions: Fundamentals and Applications, J. Gillaspy, ed., Nova Science Pub., New York, 2000, pp. 117-164.
[3] P.R. Harris and F.W. Meyer, Rev. Sci. Inst. 81, 02A310 (2010).
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