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MOPOT005 |
High Current Production with 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source |
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- A. Coly, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
LPSC, Grenoble, France
- G. Gaubert, A.C.C. Villari
A new test bench has been installed at LPSC dedicated to 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Sources characterization. Several magnetic structures have been tested around the same plasma cavity. For example, a current density of 70 mA/cm2 has been measured with the MONO1000 source lent by GANIL. An original ECRIS, named SPEED (for 'Source d'ions à aimants PErmanents et Extraction Dipôlaire'), presenting a dipolar magnetic field at the extraction will also be presented.
Poster MOPOT005 [3.130 MB]