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TUPS22 |
Deceleration of Carbon Ions at the Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR
147 |
- S. T. Artikova, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, J. Ullrich, A. Wolf
MPI-K, Heidelberg
In order to evaluate the beam quality obtained after deceleration of 12C6+ ions at the heavy ion storage ring TSR, it is important to consider the possible sources of beam heating. In our experiments at the TSR Heidelberg carbon ions are injected at an energy of 73.3 MeV and decelerated them to 9.7 MeV in a cycle that includes two steps where beam cooling are applied. In this contribution we discuss the influences of intrabeam scattering (IBS) and the heating mechanisms on circulating ions. We will present results on the deceleration efficiency, the scaling of IBS rates with the beam energy and intensity, and studies of the phase space distribution during deceleration.