Author: Fara, A.
Paper Title Page
MOPGF110 Design Strategies in the Development of the Italian Single-dish Control System 330
  • A. Orlati, M. Bartolini, S. Righini
    INAF - IRA, Bologna, Italy
  • M. Buttu, A. Fara, C. Migoni, S. Poppi
    INAF - OAC, Selargius (CA), Italy
  The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) manages three radio telescopes: the Medicina and Noto dishes and the newly-built SRT. In order to make their capabilities more valuable to the scientific community, we started the DISCOS (Development of the Italian Single-dish COntrol System) project. DISCOS is implemented according to a distributed Component-Container model and hides to the users the differences among the telescopes by presenting the same user interface and the same data format. The complexity of coping with three heterogeneous instruments was handled designing a software development infrastructure with a wide monolithic codebase (libraries, components and generic interfaces), which is completely shared among the three product lines. This design permits to produce new software components with a minimum effort and to set up the same test suites for all the environments, thus leading to an affordable development and maintenance process. In this paper we illustrate the design strategies and the development techniques used to realize and optimize this common control software. We also provide a description of the project status and future plans.  
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