Paper Title Page
Welcome and Overview  
  • C. Colldelram, D. Lopez Nonell
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  In this talk a briefing of the scientific program is presented. This is the first time that MEDSI uses JACoW and it is shown a preliminary evaluation of how the publisher has worked with some figures about the abstract submission, the status of the paper submission as well as the how it works the papers edition. Then a revision of the conference topics is explained as have been organized jointly with the International Organizing Committee and how this topic are organized in the conference program for the Contributed Orals as well as posters. Finally a list of interesting statistics and figures about the conference are presented. This is one of the most successful MEDSI’s in all point of views, number of delegates, abstract submission, as well as sponsors and a final review of the delegates per facility. And last the formal conference opening is announced.  
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Closing Remarks  
  • C. Colldelram
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Closing remarks for MEDSI2016 is a briefing of how the conference has been developed. Starting with an Introduction from the Head of Engineering Division at ALBA, Mr. Joan Casas, giving thanks to the different organization parites, followed by more technical presentation by the Transversal Section Head, Mr. Carles Colldelram, with few more statistics about the number of contributions for oral talks and also poster presentations, revision of the paper submission status, number of delegates and its evolution since last MEDSI editions, delegates per facility, reminder and thanks to the sponsors, a thanks to the session’s chairman and encouragement to young engineers to participate to the conferences as chairman, and a global thanks to everybody. Finally is closed by few general deliberations about the conference by the IOC Chairman, Mr. Jim Kay.  
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