Author: White, S.M.
Paper Title Page
Challenges in the Mechanical Design of the Injection Zone in the New ESRF Storage Ring  
  • T.R. Mairs, S.M. White
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  Most documents describing the lattice and performance of low emittance light sources concentrate on the standard cells where x-rays are produced. The requirements of the standard cells are different from those of the injection cell where electrons are introduced into the storage ring. The difficulties in adapting the existing injection facilities at the ESRF together with the integration of new injection elements in the storage ring are described. The new ESRF storage rings is extremely limited in space availability and, in particular, the positioning of the kicker magnets and the septa magnets have posed specific problems. An introduction to the various different electron trajectories together with a description of the specific elements and their functions in the injection process is made. The mechanical engineering design solutions that have been adopted are outlined.  
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