Author: Weitkamp, T.
Paper Title Page
Rotary Slit to Define a Secondary Horizontal Source at the ANATOMIX Beam-Line of Synchrotron SOLEIL  
  • J.L. Giorgetta, M. Scheel, T. Weitkamp
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  Funding: French Government / Agence nationale de la recherche through EQUIPEX grant ANR-11-EQPX-0031 NanoimagesX.
ANATOMIX is a new long beam-line (200 m) devoted to full-field tomography at the SOLEIL synchrotron facility. It will operate in the energy range from 5 to 30 KeV, and feature 4 operation modes via versatile optics configurations, including direct white beam propagation. Aimed for tomography in the 17-25 KeV range, one of the operating modes implies the use of a wide beam achieved by a pair of mirrors focusing in the horizontal direction at a distance of 160 m from the experimental station. To define a secondary source, a specially-designed slit is located in the focal plane. The aperture is adjustable from 0 to 500 µm and a transverse movement allows scan of the whole slit at constant gap. A pair of tungsten cylinders act as slit blades, they are mounted on a support rotating around a vertical axis. The distance between the cylinders is fixed (500 µm), the actual beam aperture is the projection of the gap between the cylinders, defined by the rotation angle. The rotating block is mounted on a translation stage used both for slit scan and to remove the slit from the beam for direct beam operation. The cylinders are cooled through copper braids linked to water-cooled heat sinks.
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