Author: Suortti, P.
Paper Title Page
High Power Load Monochromator for Computed Tomography Program at BMIT at Energies 25-150 keV  
  • T.W. Wysokinski, G. Belev, L.D. Chapman, C.D. Miller
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • N. Huber
    HUBER Diffraktiontechnik GmbH&Co.KG, Rimsting, Germany
  • M. Renier
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  • P. Suortti
    Helsinki University, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
  A high power load monochromator has been constructed for computed tomography (CT) studies at the BioMedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) facility located at the Canadian Light Source. A non-dispersive pair of bent Laue-type crystals is used, with the first crystal water-cooled. The monochromator operates at energies from 25 to 150 keV, and the maximum width of the beam is 190 mm at crystal location. The beam intensity is between 1013 and 1014 photons/s/mm2 under typical operating conditions. In normal mode of operation, if the first crystal is bend with 3 N*m and the second crystal with 2 N*m torque, the measured FWHM of the spectral bandwidth at 50 keV is 1%. With the improved design of the holding springs, the monochromator is quite insensitive to vibrations, it can operate with small turbo pump attached for medium resolution imaging at 20-50 keV. Due to high power loads, the system experiences high out-gassing and a proper filter set to protect the crystal and to reduce the thermal drift is required. High level of radiation inside the monochromator vessel is the reason the operation of the system must be based only on mechanical end-switch calibration.  
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