Author: Pont, M.
Paper Title Page
TUPE29 Integration of a Stripline Kicker Prototype for CLIC Project Into ALBA Storage Ring 230
  • R. Monge, J.C. Giraldo, J. Ladrera Fernández, M.L. Llonch, L. Nikitina, M. Pont, M. Quispe
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) project is an international collaboration with CERN for developing a high-energy and high-luminosity machine which accelerates and collides electrons and positrons at energies up to several tera-electron volts. The extraction system for the Damping Rings of the CLIC shall follow very tight requirements in order to maintain the ultra-low emittance of the extracted bunches. A first prototype of the extraction kicker based on stripline technologies has been built and characterized at CERN without beam. The stripline chamber will be shortly installed in the ALBA Synchrotron to be tested under beam. In situ measurements of the impedance, transversal field homogeneity and flat-top ripple aims to complete its characterization. This contribution presents the design of the set up for the integration of the stripline chamber in one of the medium straight sections of ALBA storage ring.  
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About • paper received ※ 09 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 15 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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