Author: Okrent, F.
Paper Title Page
Design of Double-Walled Bellow Cooling Pipes for Silicone Oil used for the DSSC Detector Project @ European XFEL  
  • F. Okrent
    F.O., Hamburg, Germany
  • M. Bayer, M. Lemke
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  DSSC (DEPMOS Sensor with Signal Compression) is a non-linear gain DEPFET sensor for the energy range 0.5-6 keV. This is a development project for Eu-XFEL led by the MPG’s Semiconductor Laboratory. This is a silicon detector with ~40000 um2 hexagonal pixels. The Photon Science Detector Group at DESY has the responsibility for the Mechanics/Thermal Workpackage of DSSC. This presents a challenge particularly because ~400 W are put out by the electronics in the in-vacuum detector head (by sensors and electronics boards). The heat load distributes in four cooling blocks (which are movable) where the cooling-tubes welded in. The aim is to achieve -20°C sensor temperature on each Sensor (four per block). The detector components (very sensitive and expensive electronics) will be operated in vacuum. Therefore it is important that coolant-liquid is safe enclosed. From that idea starts the design of double-walled bellow cooling pipes, this has few benefits. More reliability with the silicone fluid inside the pipes to prevent the inner detector parts from condensation or leakage inside the vessel, Insulating vacuum between the coolant bellows for more performance.  
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