Author: Ogier, B.
Paper Title Page
Design of the Straight Sections of the EBS Storage Ring  
  • B. Ogier, J.C. Biasci, J. Chavanne, L. Goirand, J. Jacob
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  The new lattice will require the complete substitution of the 32 arcs of the storage ring by a new hybrid multi-bend achromat. The length of the straight sections will be 5m. This new lattice results in different geometrical characteristics that require a new design of all transitions chambers, photon absorbers, in-vacuum undulators and also adjustment of the insertion device layout for existing sections longer than 5m. The Radiofrequency straight sections are also upgraded by replacing existing 5-cells cavities with single cell HOM damped cavities.  
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